来自 社会 2020-10-15 16:18 的文章

韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者



韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


Twenty-eight-year-old Goo Hara, a former member of K-pop girl group Kara, was found dead at her home on Sunday, according to South Korea‘s Yonhap News Agency。 Earlier on May 26, she tried to commit suicide at her home after midnight, but was found by her agent and sent to a hospital。

In September 2018, Goo filed a lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend after the man physically assaulted her and threatened to damage her career by exposing an illicit video of her。 Goo‘s experience sparked sympathy among South Korean women。 A petition with more than 200,000 signatures was launched by South Korean net users, which asked the government to take an investigation into the event。 Besides, female protesters also took to the street to show their supports。








November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women。

The United Nations defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life。”


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者 韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者图源:世界卫生组织


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者图源:联合国妇女署官方微博


The 2019 theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is “Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Rape。”

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations(UN) on Friday, made an address, saying that violence against women and girls is among the world’s most horrific, persistent, and widespread human rights violations。 He pointed out that the stigma, misconceptions, underreporting, and poor enforcement of the laws only perpetuate impunity。 Guterres called on governments, the private sector, civil society, and people worldwide to take a firm stand against violence and to show greater solidarity with survivors, advocates, and women’s rights defenders。





韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者 2001年,一部《不要和陌生人说话》的电视剧让更多中国观众了解“家暴”,剧中的丈夫安嘉和更是成为了“家暴”的符号。图源:豆瓣电影

Domestic violence, also named domestic abuse or family violence, is violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation。 This kind of violence perpetrated by intimate partners also makes female victims suffer a lot。

韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者



韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


China has made a great effort to fight against domestic violence。 On March 1, 2016, “Anti-Domestic Violence Law of the People‘s Republic of China” went into effect, which provides legal protection for victims。 After the implementation of the law, local authorities also improved relevant rules and established schemes to protect domestic violence victims, such as issuing personal safety protection orders。 Besides, various measures have been taken to help victims of domestic violence, like an online platform developed to provide 24-hour supports and special refuges set up to give accommodation。




韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者11月23日,在法国各个城市,数万女性走上街头抗议家庭暴力。

她们身穿代表着女性权利的紫色服装,高举着带有家暴受害者姓名或“不要再有下一场谋杀(not another murder more)”的标牌,充斥着大街小巷。据统计,仅在巴黎,就有至少3万5千人参加了这场#NousToutes (“All of Us”) 游行。

2019年法国超过116位女性死于家庭暴力,死亡人数仅次于德国,位居欧洲第二。这相当于每三天里,就有一位法国女性遭现任或前任伴侣杀害。法国的女性受害率(femicide rate)也高居欧洲第六。


这是“法国之耻(France’s shame)”,法国总统马克龙评价道。


Tens of thousands of citizens in France participated in the #NousToutes march on November 23 to protest domestic violence, just before UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, pressuring the government on taking more measures at protecting women。


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者


被杀害妇女和儿童死亡地图(Australian Femicide Map)中,每一个爱心都代表着一位因家暴而死去的受害者。点击爱心后,会显示该受害者的姓名和照片,遇害地点、时间、案件概况以及资料来源。目前,地图上的爱心数量仍在每周更新。

韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者图源:红色心脏运动主页

地图上线一年多以来浏览量已超过80万。该地图的制作者Sherele Moody是新闻集团(News Corp)的资深记者,也是反家暴活动的积极倡导者。她也因此被授予了澳大利亚顶级新闻奖之一,沃克利奖(Walkley Awards)。

Sherele Moody还是“红色心脏运动(RED HEART Campaign)”的发起人,旨在通过分享澳大利亚家暴受害者的故事,引起人们和政府对家暴更广泛的关注。

The Australian Femicide Map, built by journalist Sherele Moody, marks the stories of nearly 2000 Australian women and children victims who have lost their lives in violence。


韩国歌手具荷拉死亡 她不是最后一个暴力受害者

美国的反暴力迫害妇女法案(Violence Against Women Act)规定受害者有人身安全被保护的权利。

其中,人身安全保护法令(Personal Protection Order)是美国家庭暴力案件中保护受害者的重要措施之一。



The U.S。 passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994, which stipulatesthat victims have “the right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender”。 Victims who create a petitionfor Personal Protection Orders may get the protection from abusers within 24 hours。
