来自 科技 2020-06-16 16:59 的文章


Sony released its earnings report for the Q1 period (January – March) and the results are far from favorable. The storied Japanese manufacturer managed to ship just 400,000 smartphones during this timeframe, its lowest figure in recent memory. Q1 shipments in particular are down by 64% compared to the same period last year, marking the largest dip in this category. The last time the company saw positive yearly growth from its Xperia line was back in Q2 2017.




The new report also gives us more insight into the company’s performance from the 2019 fiscal year where Sony managed to ship just 3.2 million Xperia smartphones. For reference, the 2018 fiscal year saw 6.5 million shipments for Sony smartphones. Judging by the past performance, the Xperia line’s shipments are following a steep decline in the past three years and it really needs its new lineup to do better if it is to retain relevancy in the market.




搭载了6英寸1080P OLED屏,高通骁龙665处理器的中端产品索尼xperia 10 Mk2智能手机即将发布,希望它能够给索尼Xperia业务带来上升的趋势
