来自 体育 2019-12-06 13:25 的文章


Jimmy Butler is shooting 42.6% from the field and 24.3% on threes this season, yet he is recording a team-best +/- of +130 and averaging +9.3 per game, the 5th highest in the league for players with more than one game played


There‘s much more than scoring and shooting to Butler’s game and stats don’t always tell the whole truth, especially with defensive players


[–]CavaliersFancy_Highway 291赞1 day ago

Jimmy‘s got that Kyle Lowry / Al Horford impact where he’s so much more valuable than his stats suggest。


[–]RaptorsJevvyMedia 141赞1 day ago

And in a league where you pretty much need a dominant wing to be a competitor, Jimmy having that all-around impact is just THAT much more valuable。


[–]Sullan08 11赞18 hours ago

His stats are still pretty good, just on the steals and assist front more than scoring。


[–]76erslil_intro_vert_ 559赞1 day ago

The main takeaway I took from jimmy after a near-season of watching him every night is that he almost always makes good decisions with the ball。


Doesn’t really take jumpers unless he needs to, and is a terrific playmaker especially out of pick and rolls。


[–]Spectr3- 86赞1 day ago

Ehh, I don‘t know about this。 He took a lot of contested mid-ranged jumpers。 What was really valuable were his cuts and off-ball defense。


[–]76ersmeditate42 110赞1 day ago

He was great for us overall but i will admit i remember him turning down open threes for contested mid ranges from time to time。


[–][TOR] Fred VanVleetsiakams 274赞1 day ago

IIRC advanced stats have painted Butler as one of the top players in the league for a while now。 Dude is really underrated


[–]WeRightHere 259赞1 day ago

He‘s averaging 6.6 assists and only 2.4 turnovers and a league leading 2.6 steals。 He’s getting more steals than turnovers。 And he makes up for his bad shooting percentages by making tons of freethrows。


He‘s one of the best players in the league and has been since the 2017 season。


[–]NBAFuckYouGod 104赞1 day ago*

I‘m pretty sure the Heat force the most turnovers in the league too。 I’m guessing that‘s because of old Jimmy long head。


[–]76ers_MatisseThybulle 300赞1 day ago

He’s a real gym rat。


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookShuggy_99 223赞1 day ago*

Nobody works harder than Jimmy。 Just ask him, he‘ll tell you


[–]Warriors3entendre 46赞1 day ago

He wakes up at 3am everyday


[–]clive442 56赞1 day ago

Imagine how good he‘d be if he woke up at 2am


[–][GSW] Andre IgoudalazzMojaveExpress 25赞1 day ago

There‘s also what your teammates do, which is why Draymond in 2016 is not the GOAT season。


[–][GSW] Andre IgoudalazzMojaveExpress 9赞1 day ago

The thing is that +/- is not advanced, and he shared the floor with Curry for 90% of his minutes。 So it‘s impossible to apply a specific amount of credit to him。


[–]Lakerskurruchi 53赞1 day ago

Not a box score player but dudes in this sub hate on him because wolves fans have nothing better to do


[–]Heatken_u_diggit 39赞1 day ago

sixers fans too, the top 3 comments on every jimmy butler post are the same unoriginal jokes


[–]Warriorsrya11111 8赞1 day ago

Jimmy really suits heat culture imo。 That play style and ethics is perfect for him。

Also with a suit, dude could starr in GTA miami vice city lol。
