来自 国内 2019-12-07 13:46 的文章


据美媒消息,当地时间1月21日,民主党参议院议员卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)宣布参与2020美国总统大选。卡玛拉是首位正式宣布参选2020总统大选的非裔美国人。

卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)是谁?她的职业履历是怎样的?她有什么过人之处?

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▲via 《华盛顿邮报》;《卡玛拉·哈里斯宣布角逐2020美国总统竞选》

▲via CNN;《卡玛拉·哈里斯将参与2020美国总统竞选》

▲via BBC;《民主党人卡玛拉·哈里斯宣布角逐2020美国总统大选》

▲via 《华盛顿邮报》;《卡玛拉·哈里斯宣布参与总统竞选,她是强有力竞争者》


▲via 网络

Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California joined the 2020 presidential contest Monday, thrusting a daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India into the Democratic race two years after she arrived in the Senate.本周一,来自美国加利福尼亚的参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯宣布参与2020年的美国总统大选。这位牙买加和印度移民后代,在担任两年的加州联邦参议员后,决定投身总统竞选战场。Harris, a 54-year-old former prosecutor raised in a state that has been the crucible of the Trump resistance.54岁的哈里斯担任过检察官。她所成长和生活的加州,是反对特朗普政府的大熔炉。She made the announcement during an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and in a video that her campaign posted online.哈里斯在ABC的“早安美国“栏目的电视采访中,宣布了她参与总统竞选的消息。她也在网上发布了一个竞选视频,宣布她参选。▲via 《华盛顿邮报》

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“The future of our country depends on you and millions of others lifting our voices to fight for our American values,” she said in the video. “That’s why I’m running for president of the United States.”在她的竞选视频中,她宣称:"美国的未来就掌握在你的手中。成千上万的美国人是时候发声了;是时候为美国的价值观抗争了。这是我竞选美国总统的原因。”As she weighed whether to enter the race, Harris spoke about the challenges of running a campaign that would attempt to break several barriers. If elected, she would be the first woman, the first person of Asian heritage and the first African American woman as president.哈里斯在权衡是否参与总统竞选的时候,她考虑到一系列的挑战,因为她需要突破很多的障碍。如果她当选的话,她会成为美国历史上第一位女性总统,第一位有亚裔血统的总统,以及第一位有非洲血统的女总统。▲via 《华盛顿邮报》



▲via 网络;她在个人社交媒体上宣布参与2020总统竞选;图片中她与一位非洲裔小女孩对视


@Horrible president: Extremely intelligent woman. I will strongly consider her for the first female president of the US. 哈里斯是一位非常睿智的女性。我会强烈考虑她担任美国第一位女性总统。 @czarnajama: A nice, eloquent senator, but she strikes me as having spent all of her professional and political life as a prosecutorial lawyer and rights advocate. What does she know of America's place in the world, the military, foreign affairs, geopolitics, science, space, economics, management? 哈里斯是一位友好,有口才的参议员。但她的职业和政治生涯给我的印象无非就是检察院的律师以及民众权利的倡导者。她对美国在全球的地位,美国的军事,外交,地缘政治,科技,太空行业,经济和管理等领域有什么了解?@Joh Luk: She has at least two strikes against her already. They are not going to vote for a woman, especially not a black woman. They feel she is just playing the race card.她已经遭受过两次进攻了。我想多数人是不会投票给一位女性的,尤其是一位黑人女性。人们只会觉得她在打“种族”这张牌。@roundone: No more old white men for President! 只要美国总统不再是老年白人男性就可以了!

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▲via BBC




▲via heightline.com


据报道,哈里斯的丈夫道格拉斯·埃姆霍夫 (Douglas Emhoff) 是一位有名的律师和战略顾问。他俩是在朋友安排的“相亲局”上认识的,于2014年结婚。从众多合影中看,两人的感情挺好的。

▲via 网络,哈里斯与丈夫Douglas Emhoff

Douglas is best known as the husband of Kamala Harris, but he is actually a brilliant solicitor whose proclivity is to fight for the downtrodden through litigation. His area of specialty is marketing and advertising as well as commercial litigation.道格拉斯最鲜明的身份是哈里斯的丈夫。但他本人其实是一名非常出色的律师,通过诉讼来为被压迫者而战。他的擅长领域是市场营销,广告以及商业诉讼。▲via heightline.com



