"I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America, some to [the] US, probably some to Mexico as well," Ross said.
近日,美国商务部长威尔伯·罗斯(Wilbur Ross)在接受福克斯商业频道采访时妄评中国疫情称,对美国经济而言这是一个好消息。
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、普林斯顿大学经济学教授保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)非常担心,疫情要是发生在美国,这群思维混乱的政府官员能不能行。
克鲁格曼表示,罗斯愚蠢的评论(boneheaded remarks)足以让人怀疑,美国政府这帮人能否应对好任何一场不是自己造成的危机。玛利亚飓风就因为美国政府处理不当,卷走几千条人命。
Bear in mind that so far Trump has been remarkably lucky. Aside from Hurricane Maria — which he mishandled, and in which thousands of Americans died — he has faced essentially no crises, domestic or foreign, that weren't of his own making.
And he has surrounded himself with the gang that couldn't think straight, which raises severe doubts about how well he would handle a crisis that he didn't create himself.
If Wilbur Ross's boneheaded remarks on Thursday are any indication … the Trump administration is even less prepared to deal with the economic fallout from a possible epidemic than it is to deal with the public health crisis. Be afraid.
“这个商务部长刚刚挂掉‘微生物经济学’课!”克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)毫不客气地讽刺罗斯。作为诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、著名经济学家,克鲁格曼在文中给这些大放厥词的美国高层好好补了一堂“微生物经济学课”。
Now, you might think that this implies an upside to China’s troubles, that disrupting China’s vast manufacturing sector would offer opportunities to producers in other countries, including the United States. That is, you might think this if you knew nothing about 21st-century economics.
What Ross and his colleagues apparently still don't understand that modern manufacturing isn't like manufacturing a couple of generations ago, when different countries' industrial sectors were engaged in fairly straightforward head-to-head competition.
These days we live in a world of global value chains, in which much of what any given nation imports consists not of consumer goods but of "intermediate" goods that it uses as part of its own production process.
In such a world, anything that disrupts imports — whether it's tariffs or a virus — raises production costs, and as a result if anything hurts manufacturing.
Indeed, a recent study by the Federal Reserve found that Trump's tariffs, which were concentrated on intermediate goods, have reduced, not increased, manufacturing output and employment.
…… while overall economic growth in 2019 was decent (not great), manufacturing is in a recession. (And the uncertainty created by the trade war may explain why business investment is down despite a huge cut in corporate taxes.)
What we can say is that if the virus seriously disrupts Chinese production, its impact on the US economy will be like an extreme version of Trump's trade war…
Sure enough, Wilbur Ross, … to declare that he "didn't want to talk about a victory lap," but that the coronavirus "will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America." By saying this, he demonstrated a couple of things: (1) why Gail Collins's readers voted him Trump's worst cabinet member, and (2) why Trump's trade war has been such a failure.
But public health experts were quick to criticize Ross's comments as inaccurate and dangerous, saying such messaging could suppress reports of new infections.
Meanwhile, health officials are up against the spread of false information on social media, from conspiracy theories to deceitful claims of magical cures. And Facebook, Google and Twitter are scrambling to crack down on the spread of dangerous health disinformation.
Georges C. Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said that American companies would have more reason to be concerned about gun violence or measles outbreaks stateside in terms of actual risk to their health than coronavirus.
"You have somebody of that stature who makes an irresponsible comment, speaking on matters in which he has no expertise, and there's no scientific or historical evidence to what he's saying," Benjamin said of Ross."With this kind of new disease, you want as much openness as you can", Benjamin added. "If you suppress that openness, which this will do, then you absolutely make it worse and more people will get sick, and more people will die."
Sandro Galea, dean of the School of Public Health at Boston University, said infectious diseases "threaten all of us" and that there's never a positive consequence from an outbreak.
Ross's comments "rest on a misunderstanding of how infectious diseases are transmitted," Galea said.
There's a "responsibility that public officials have to communicate in an informed manner that educates the public and moves us towards an understanding of what actually generates help," Galea said.
"A comment like this achieves the exact opposite purpose."
Wilbur Ross might as well have said 'the more of those Chinese who die over there, the more jobs for us!!'
It was not the first time Ross has been accused of callousness.
"These people are so sick and heartless." said radio host Michelangelo Signorile.
… Ross' comments come off as tone-deaf, inappropriate and insensitive.
编辑:王瑜 胡雨濛来源:中国日报新媒体